Monday, April 17, 2023

What rhymes with "sold?

 What rhymes with "soldThere are many words that rhyme with "sold." Some of the words that rhyme perfectly with "sold" include "bold," "cold," "fold," and "hold" . There are also many near rhymes, which include words like "told," "gold," and "mold". Another list of graphical representations of words that rhyme with "sold," including "Roald," "cuckold," and "enfold". 

Lastly, this website lists 79 words that rhyme with "sold," such as "behold," "foal," and "mole".

Here is a rhyme using 

  • Sold
  • Bold
  • Cold
  • Fold
  • Hold
  • Mold
  • Told
  • Gold
  • Pole

I sold my gold for cash untold

A fortune I could not hold
The winter air so bitter cold
As I watched my story unfold

I tried to be brave and bold
Though my future was still unknown
My memories I tightly hold
As I move to a place unknown

The journey is rough and full of mold
But I will not be controlled
I will persevere and not fold
I'll find a place to call my own

With determination I'll go pole to pole
And finally find a place to behold
A new chapter in my life, a story to be told
Of how I sold my gold and found a new home.

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